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ca. 35.46° N on the South Atlantic Ocean

14 January 1608


In the Morninge a storme took us and blew much wynd at E. and E.N.E., were fforced to beare a short sayle all daye. And in the eveninge the Dragon beinge about halfe a myle ahead us bore upp before the wynde, and tackt aboute, wch our Master meant to ffollowe, but yt happened that when shee came to, both ships did soddenly nere one the other, Comyng Right steme to steme. Wch perceaved, both shipps wrought all they could possyble to cleare one the other. The wch in our shippe our master was out of hope to doe, and was much discomfortable, exspecting nothinge but the utter Ruynne and overthrowe of us all. And as noe meanes was lefte unperformed that myght doe us good, so at Last yt pleased god to take pittye one us, and blesse us, so that our shipp ffell off, at the verye last, that we ran under our Admyralles Lee wthout any hurt but of present ffeare.

Anthony Marlowe, merchant

Painting of a ship in a storm

A ship in a storm 


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The Hector Journal of Anthony Marlowe; cited in Richmond Barbour, The Third Voyage Journals (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), p. 105.

J. A. T. De Gudin. 1887: Sinking of a Vessel of the Spanish Armada on the Coast

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